Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Things we find funny

The kids say and do hilarious, sweet and gross (but funny) things every day. Like when Peter licked the toilette brush (yes, that really happened), and when Owen unrolled an entire toilette paper roll and scattered it all over the bathroom, and when Natalie told us she had a big fart in her tummy named Henry.

These things crack us up and I know that in the future when we read them, they'll give us a giggle and remind us of some very fun times. So from time to time I'll try to add some of their latest funny antics. They may be small parts of our day, but if I don't write them down they'll be lost and I want to remember all of their silliness!

Here are a few more:

Peter and Owen call sushi, "soochi"
Natalie has named our minivan "sprinkles"
Natalie doesn't like it when Dan sings "handsome" like the prince from the movie Enchanted
Peter said his name for the first time on July 15 2013 "Peeper"
Owen says Peter's name with a british accent "Peetah" and his own name sounds like "Oown"
From the back of the van, Natalie asked "Mommy can you turn up your voice? I can't hear you."
Peter can climb out of his crib now on Monday Jan 6th he fell asleep face down on his floor, we had to lift him into bed.
The boys call every overpass on the highway a "tunnel" and get super excited when they see one coming. "Here comes a tunnel!"

Lots of fun!

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