Saturday, July 4, 2009

A year already?!

I can barely believe it but Miss Natalie is a year old! It seems like she learns ten new things a day - she's picking up on so much.
Her latest talents are: crawling as fast as lightning, doing some of the actions for Itsy Bitsy Spider, pretending to blow her nose, dancing (so cute) and pretending to start and drive the car. She is a riot!
Instead of just celebrating one day her birthday celebrations have been ongoing - it's a little like birthday Hanukkah.

We had a little birthday party while Dan's parents were out for a visit, then on her actual birthday (July 1) we had a virtual party (via webcam) with Nanny and Poppy Prince - complete with cupcakes, candles and of course we sang Happy Birthday.
Here are a few pics...

More pics to come soon!
Wendy, Dan and Natalie