Saturday, September 11, 2010

Say that again...?

I was just reading an article on the Canadian Parent website about writing down all the funny things your kids say so you don't forget them and thought it would make a good blog post to share some of Natalie's favorite sayings and mis-sayings.
Ham-ga-burger {hamburger}

The libaby {the library}

"Look mommy, I'm doing something really good."

"Super, calla, fra..gahlish..." {supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - someone loves Mary Poppins right now}

"The yitsy, bitsy, pider"

Yimnastics {gynmastics - she's loving her new gymnastics class}

mommydaddy {all one word, when she's excited}

I'm sure I'll think of more. I'll add them to this post as they trickle into my memory. I know they'll be so much fun to read even just a few months from now. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chocolate chip cookies and a hurricane

High winds, driving rain and ten hours without power - that sums up our first experience weathering a hurricane here on the east coast. Hurrican Earl struck early yesterday morning knocking out power to over 200,000 homes. But other than a few toppled trees in our nearby woods Earl took it fairly easy on the McMahon household. In fact, it was actually a fun day. We watched a few movies on our laptops (hooray for charged batteries), had a BBQ in the garage and sipped some beer by candlight.

And thanks to the power outage our lovely neighbor Karen shared some of her to-die-for potato salad since she wasn't sure it would survive the night in her powerless fridge. Don't you love how a good storm gets the neighbours out and chatting?

So to repay the favour, and appease our craving for chocolate Natalie and I whipped up a batch of Secret Ingredient Chocolate Chip cookies. I found the recipe over at Buns in My Oven - you should check out the site, it's adorable and the recipes are fantastic - especially these cookies. This was Natalie's first time mixing up a batch of cookies and she loved it, especially when she got to dump in the chocolate chips. They're baking in the oven as I type and they smell so yummy.

Here are a couple of recent photos, including one of our hurricane BBQ.