Friday, April 23, 2010

An oldie from the brace days

I found this picture while I was cleaning out my inbox today. It was taken May 24, 2009 - almost a full year ago. What a whirlwind of changes since then. It's hard to see but this was back when Natalie was still wearing her brace (this was her first brace actually). The velcro was so worn out that we used to put duct tape on the straps so it would stay closed. It was a pain in the butt but to be honest it seems like something that happened ten years ago not just one.

I think that's mostly because now she's so busy, running, hopping, climbing, dancing, twirling and lately "flying" as she likes to squeal while running around the kitchen with her arms outstretched.

It was a tough road for sure - but it sure is sweet when you make it to the end of that journey.
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