Sunday, November 2, 2008

Four Months Old!

Our baby girl is four months old!

At the four month mark our little Miss Natalie;

Has disovered her toes!

Is trying sooooo hard to roll over

LOVES her exer-saucer

Laughs out loud when we make funny faces
and so much more.

Here are some recent pics,
Busted plotting schemes with birdie

Is this Tummy Time stuff really necessary?
More posts to come!

Happy Halloween!

Here are a couple of pics from Natalie's first Halloween! She had a great day, starting out with a visit to Dad's work, followed by a visit with the gals from SMART. Then the Abbotts came by for some tricks and treats and finally we topped off the night with a stop by Uncle Brian and Aunt Donna's for some Halloween treats.

Happy Hallween everyone!