Friday, December 10, 2010

In the Holiday Spirit

Who would have thought that a trip to the grocery story would put us in the Christmas spirit but today's trek out pick up some weekend goodies did just that. There were carollers, elves, and samples of goodies galore. Natalie even met Elmo - she couldn't take her eyes off him, as you can see.

I'm a bit of a Christmas Cheermiester - I thoroughly love the holidays. We've been listening to Christmas music, making Christmas crafts and baking cookies for a couple of weeks now. And while my mom was here last weekend we even donned our silly Christmas hats and strolled around the neighborhood enjoying everyone's decorations. I love having a mom that knows how to enjoy the little things.

This weekend we'll be taking our family Christmas photo, singing some Christmas songs to the music of Dan's guitar and hopefully joining the Halifax Art Gallery for Gingerbread Sunday!

What are you doing to get into the holiday spirit?