Friday, May 16, 2014

Things I know about my Owie Bowie

He calls me Mommya (we're not sure why).

His giggles are infectious and wild.

Thomas the train (and all of his friends) are the coolest things in the world to this boy.

When he sets his mind to something, watch out.

We call him dash - he's that fast.

He loves to sing (itsy bitsy spider, the wheels on the bus. humpty dumpty, BINGO and of course Let it Go.

He can count to ten already (at 2 1/2) and recognizes all of his numbers and most letters.

He has the sweetest voice.

He hates the potty. Loathes it.

He also hates having dirty hands.

He is the sweetest, funniest, happiest little boy and I'm so lucky he's mine.


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