Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today was a PJ Day

It was -30 here today so Natalie and I stayed in and hung out in our PJs. She ate Mum Mums and I drank a lot of coffee.

Yes, coffee is still my best friend. It's surprising that even though she's started sleeping through the night I'm still exhausted. I thought a few nights of 7+ hours and I'd be bouncing out of bed in the morning. I guess the fact that Natalie's ready to kick start the day at 5:30 a.m. doesn't help. Neither my brain nor body is anyhere near bounce-ready at that hour. And I guess it doesn't help that I automatically wake up at 4 a.m. out of habit. Hopefully my internal clock will give that silliness up soon.

We spent some of our PJ day playing with the camera. I'm determined to get better at photography - I just have to practice, practice, practice.

Here are some mug shots of missy - she thought mommy was pretty silly with her camera.

And here's a look at how we set her up to play with some of her toys. She loves to pull the rings off this toy. Keeps her busy while I make my morning cup o' joe.

Ciao for now.
PS One month from today Natalie is scheduled to get her cast taken off! Hooray!

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