Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas in Cape Breton - with all of the folks at home

Happy Holidays everyone! The little McMahon clan has just returned from a fantastic three week trip to Cape Breton where we sang, visited, played - and ate way too much yummy food.

From start to finish Natalie was a superstar traveller. She snoozed on our laps and cooed at her seatmates during our eight hour journey. And when she arrived on the Island she was the star of the show from day one. She giggled, smiled and charmed everyone - from strangers to friends and family.

Here are a few highlights.

Natalie graced us with her presence at her Nanny-the firefighter-'s holiday tea. Here she is chillin with Nanny, Great-Grammie and her Great Aunt.

We were invited to the Cape Breton Fiddler's Association's Christmas party -where Dan played guitar with a whole shwack of fiddlers. Of course everyone was taken with Miss Natalie. Not five minutes after we walked in the door she was whisked away by some lovely ladies and didn't seem to care that mom and dad were nowhere in sight.

Here's a shot of the fiddlers giviner'.
Here she is with her dad loving all the music - forty fiddlers and she didn't even flinch at how loud the music was - she's a true Caper.

Here she is with her new friend Helen - looking pretty comfy only a few minutes after arriving.

Natalie was also Christened during our trip home - she slept through most of the mass and the baptism, but when it was all over she was wide and wake and very cheery.

While we were home Natalie also:
Had apple juice for the first time
Learned to roll from her tummy to her back and then started rolling like crazy
Started to wiggle to get herself closer to toys she wants
Met Santa Clause
More pics to come soon.
Happy New Year Everyone!

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